About Us

Photo technique – how we do itOBfront

For the “studio” white background look we use specialist lights and backgrounds together with creative use of computer processing, to create a look indistinguishable from expensive High Street photo chains and at a fraction of the cost. However, we will experiment with different backgrounds and lighting setups during your session to achieve the results you want.

If there is more than one person attending the shoot make sure each clothing outfit tones with the others. If the majority of the group is wearing pastel shades it will look odd if one is wearing a garish football away team shirt! Each session lasts from one to two hours, but can be longer if required so bring along some changes of costume.

We have a private family-sized changing room that you can use if required. Specific guidance on what to wear can be given at the time of booking – please ask if you are not sure.

In addition please do not be rushed when you travel to the studio. Leave plenty of time to arrive – any feelings of stress will show in the final results!

Our Photographer


Gary Milo M.Sc. was trained in photography at Orange Coast College in California and brings to the sessions a laid back, but creative atmosphere. His use of computer image processing techniques creates results that are comparable with the most expensive national studio chains.